


Verden står i dag over for to terroristiske modpoler: På den ene side USA og George Bush, der kæmper for globalt herredømme med våbenmagt og på den anden side væbnede islamiske terrorgrupper, der står for et reaktionært alternativ til den kapitalistiske globalisering.
I denne situation må venstrefløjen komme på banen og skabe en international "tredje lejr" af demokrater, humanister og socialister - mod USA's hykleriske "forsvar for menneskerettighederne", mod islamisternes falske "anti-imperialisme" og mod enhver type militarisme, nationalisme og religiøs fundamentalisme.


  1. Marxist-Humanist Perspectives for 2003-2004
    "The possibility of a continuous war between U.S. imperialism and Islamic fundamentalist terrorism presents the liberation movements in this country with a serious challenge. The tendency to focus everything on a critique of U.S. imperialism while having little or nothing to say about its reactionary critics has become especially predominant today - precisely because the U.S. has such unmatched power. What distinguishes a Marxist-Humanist response to imperialist war and terrorism is not just that we oppose both sides of the conflict but that we take responsibility for projecting a vision of a new society that transcends capitalism."
    (News and Letters Editorial Board, USA)

  2. Humanity must firmly oppose both poles of terrorism
    "A series of suicide bombings in Chechnya, Riyadh, Casablanca, Tel Aviv and Al-Khalil and the explosion of 21 petrol stations and two fuel storages in Pakistan have resulted in 130 dead and hundreds wounded. This is the balance sheet of Islamic terrorism in only two weeks. Both poles of international terrorism, be they Islamic or USA-led terrorism, represent reaction and are anti-human. And both sides of this terrorist race need each other. Islamic terrorism feeds on the right wing militarism of the USA and Israel in the region and USA led terrorism uses the threat of Islamic terrorism to justify its actions. Neither pole of terrorism has anything to do with humanity or people's freedom or security. The solution to end terrorism lies in the support, strength and extent of the movement in defence of human, socialist and progressive values. This is the only movement that represents humanity and civilisation against the inhumane interests of these states and groups."
    (Worker-Communist Party of Iraq, 20.05.2003)

  3. Occupation of Iraq: What happens now?
    "We opposed the war and we opposed Saddam Hussein's oppressive regime; we "take sides" only to support movements for genuine liberation. Iraq is sinking into chaos and the rule of fiefdoms and mafias. Now feminist groups are demanding a say in the new government and denouncing U.S. attempts to court religious leaders by holding out the possibility of an "Islamic democracy." The U.S.'s claim that its war on Iraq will bring democracy is as big a lie as its claim to have "freed the women of Afghanistan."
    (News & Letters juni 2003)

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